The Online Portfolio of Rohan Gupta

Art & Science

Faculty: Yashas Shetty, Victor & Marc Dusjagr.
Duration: 10 Weeks
Aim: To link the two rapidly advancing feilds of Art & Science
Project: Development of a product to illustrate the effect of Air Pollution in the city.

To know about the course in detail please visit the Wiki or view My Wiki.

The video below shows the course documentation while the other links show the work done during the course.

Course Documentation

Other Course Videos

Arduino Mouse Over
Chai Kade Water
Smoke Signal 3D
Tree Bark

Final Product: O2 Gas Pump

We developed the O2 Gas Pump as the final product for the project on Art & Science. The gas pump is a gadget to be placed at petrol stations in Bangalore city. It is meant to bring home the hard reality to the people that if they keep buying fuel, they are creating immense Air Pollution. Soon they will need to buy fresh oxygen for breathing along with refueling their cars.

The Gallery Below contains 3D iterations as well as photographs of the completed product.

©2009 Rohan Gupta. All Rights Reserved.