The Online Portfolio of Rohan Gupta

Colours in Context

Faculty: Mr. Ravindra
Duration: 4 Days
Aim: To apply colours in the real world where their meaning would enhance or affect the usage of the object/ place.

Colours in Context was a course which required us to apply colours in the real world where their meaning would enhance or affect the usage of the object/ place.
Jit Chowdhury, Kannan Mehta and I formed a group. After a lot of ideation we came up with a concept to re-colour educational institutions so as to make them more appealing for the students of that institute.
We decided to form a fictitious company "Beeyoo". Beeyoo specializes in individualizing building exteriors so as to appeal to the end user of that building. We have illustrated our  concept around Jnanjyothi Educational Institute and G.E.C. Pre-University College for Art & Commerce.
Please click on the above logo for the Beeyoo Website.